


³§±è´Ç³Ù°ä³ó±ð³¦°ì® has been discontinued. Cobalt will continue to provide support for existing customers.

Loudness Measurement and Records …and More

³§±è´Ç³Ù°ä³ó±ð³¦°ì® loudness measurement and records provides an organized system of logged data verifying CALM compliance, while also providing ready access to loudness records should a complaint arise. Cobalt provides loudness measurement/records solutions meeting the needs of all operations, ranging from single-stream local TV stations to ASI/IP-based MVPDs and MSOs.

³§±è´Ç³Ù°ä³ó±ð³¦°ì® doesn’t stop at loudness compliance — options also provide transport stream quality checks, such as presence of CEA 708/608 closed-captioning, as well as transport errors, frozen/black frame, and audio silence checks. Options also provide the ability to download transport stream segments as easily managed lo-res proxy files that can be sent and played out anywhere on personal device media players.

Transport-Based Loudness Measurement/Records

Like its name says, ³§±è´Ç³Ù°ä³ó±ð³¦°ì® provides an easy to use, intuitive, and automatic way to measure and record loudness, and provide easily-accessed loudness records. Because ³§±è´Ç³Ù°ä³ó±ð³¦°ì® monitors an IP, ASI, or a transmitted over-the-air MPEG stream at the transmit (emission) encode point, ³§±è´Ç³Ù°ä³ó±ð³¦°ì® measures and logs loudness for all programming emanating from the facility. HTML5 web-based GUI makes ³§±è´Ç³Ù°ä³ó±ð³¦°ì® easy to use and can be accessed by any computer on your facility LAN — or anywhere with web connectivity. ³§±è´Ç³Ù°ä³ó±ð³¦°ì® offers options that correlate loudness records directly to as-run lists, and sends loudness non-compliance alerts via e-mail to facility operations or engineering anywhere.

  • Operates at the MPEG Transport Stream Layer 

  • TS over IP, DVB-ASI, and 8VSB Physical Interface Options 

  • Automated 24/7 Loudness Measurement and Closed-Caption Logging